Friday, May 12, 2006

all the gnoos that's fit to print

Have been playing some more with gnoos - - in beta as of this week (email if you want access). It's really addictive (and so far really robust). I reckon a few more words are needed 'around' the service - it's not necessarily immediately obvious what some of the options/features actually do - but (1) i'm a lawyer and i like words, (2) it is in early-stage beta and (3) i claim NO expertise in user interface design.

Anyway, another week is finished. I have a 5,000 word essay due next week on whether there is a moral difference between killing a person and deliberately letting them die. Fascinating stuff, but hard to get your head around when you're busy with work and life. This week I was only in Court for one day - Wednesday. Apart from that I had a few long conferences and then was almost totally unproductive today and yesterday. Actually - they are the days I was playing with gnoos!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics define this as the First Law, but with two parts:

A robot may not harm a human being

or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

Robot laws aren't used in court and this is only science fiction, but there are many scenarios that have been devised to cause a confliction within the First Law for a robot (creating a situation where a robot must harm a human to prevent them from being harmed), some of these might provide some interesting ideas.