Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Kid Stays in the Picture - the audiobook

With many many thanks to Lucas, I've been listening to the audiobook of The Kid Stays in the Picture. The Robert Evans book / movie / mini-industry is now an audiobook. And what an audiobook! Narrated by the great man himself with more verve, panache and brio than I knew was possible, the audiobook simultaneously demonstrates why Evans never really made it as an actor and why he is a truly compelling 20th century figure.

I just wish I'd been able to locate a snippet to link to - but I can't :( - so all I can say is that it would make a fantastic early christmas present, so start pleading with your mamma now. you MUST hear it.

A rare (unique?) example where I think the audiobook is actually the best vehicle for the content. Better even than the film.

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