Sunday, April 20, 2008


Have signed up for friendfeed, after seeing it discussed on BB's blog.

A good step along the way to the multiplicity of communications, but not the final answer. For where things are right now (simultaneously projecting myself via email, blog, facebook updates, twitter, digg, shared items on google reader, putting photos up at flickr et al) it is doing a good (but not perfect) job of aggregating them.

Of course, one might think that life would be simpler if one reduced the number of communications media in one's life, thereby eliminating the need to aggregate.
But I have no intention of doing that - instead, I intend to continue to sign up to everything going in the firm belief that everyone is vitally interested in what's going in my life at all times.

One interesting (but unsurprising) quirk / bug is that FriendFeed refused to recognise my Google Reader shared items page until I manually deleted the '.au' from its address.... a bug that simply wouldn't be picked up by US testing...

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