Sunday, August 07, 2005

MIFF is almost finished for 2005!

Today's the last day of the Melbourne International Film Festival for 2005 :(
I'm getting a little burned out so its probably a good thing. I've only seen 24 films so far (my lowest in years), but I've been pretty busy on other things so it's still taken up most of my time for the past few weeks. Some good films, but I still haven't seen a film that's life-changing. I had very high hopes for the new Michael Haneke - Hidden - that I saw last night, and it was good but not at the level of his past films. Also saw the new Aussie horror film Wolf Creek last night. Very suspenseful and there's not actually that much violence in it but it is terrifying. It should do pretty well.
Three more days at work, then next Saturday off to Laos and Thailand for 2 1/2 weeks.......

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