Sunday, August 16, 2009

A few random notes:roads on Saint John, USVI

  1. Roads here do not have names and there are no street numbers.
  2. In the US Virgin Islands, cars are driven on the left-hand side of the road (like Australia, but unlike the USA).
  3. In the US Virgin Islands, cars are left-hand drive (like the USA, but unlike Australia).
  4. The combination ensures poor visibility around the many corners on the wind-y roads.
  5. Roads are very narrow and are shared between pedestrians, cars and random wild animals.
  6. Driving around the island this afternoon we encountered various donkeys, and a number of goats.
  7. Many of the drivers are tourists from the USA who have previously driven only on the right side of the road. They are now expected to drive on the left - but with a left-hand drive car (as at home). This contributes to the generally poor quality of driving seen on the roads.
  8. The remaining drivers are primarily Virgin Islanders. As far as I can tell, the principal pastime on the USVI is drinking rum.
  9. It is legal to drive while drinking.
  10. Seatbelts are compulsory, unless a passenger in a taxi or riding in the back of a pick-up truck (aka ute).

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