Monday, March 17, 2008

Ms Ashley Dupre AKA Kristen - follow-up

You have to feel for Ashley Dupre. She has been the subject of an immense wave of publicity over the past few days - and I can feel the second wave building.

For example:

How many miles does Ashley Dupre got on her engine? (sic) and
If you had to compare Ashley Dupre to car tires, how much thread does it have left?
- both courtesy of the wacky jokesters at

The recent wave of 'is Ashley Dupre 32?' articles (shock! horror! aspiring singer / model / callgirl may have lied about her age)

The media-whores out there shopping their 'friendship' with Ashley and of course those fabulous friends attesting to her heavy drug use.

and of course the 'friends' posting heartfelt messages on Ashley's myspace profile (see the example below with intensely innovative use of capitalisation):

Hi Love,
the Best thing is to take All this Media Attention and Remind the Public there is a War Going On. There are Important Elections, and Many Women Around the World who are Struggling to Survive and Need Help.
....You are a Beautiful Human Being.... with the Power to Use Your Voice, Your Music and Your Make a Positive Difference. I Know it is Within you.
....You are a Beautiful Human Being...
Take good care of your Self

and last but not least, uninteresting videos shot by mobile phone have started showing up.

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